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Crafting Timeless Furniture with Swamp Kauri of New Zealand


Welcome to NZFE, where we specialize in crafting exquisite furniture from the rare and beautiful swamp kauri wood. Our team of skilled artisans is dedicated to creating unique and stunning pieces that will add warmth and beauty to any home.


We are passionate about our craft and take pride in using only the best swamp kauri to create pieces that will be cherished for generations to come. Whether you're looking for a statement piece or just something to add a touch of elegance to your space, NZFE has the perfect piece for you.

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At NZFE, we are passionate about creating beautiful, high-quality kauri furniture that is designed and made right here in New Zealand. From custom orders to standard designs, we will work with you to create the perfect piece for you.


Designed and made in New Zealand

Visit our Collections

At NZFE, we specialize in handcrafting unique pieces of furniture using swamp kauri and epoxy resin river tables. We listen to our customers' needs and work with them to create stunning one-off pieces that will be loved forever.


In 2020, we established a new workshop in East Tamaki, Auckland. We hope to create more timeless pieces for those who love the kauri wood by establishing this workshop. All the swamp kauri items come from over 30,000-year-old kauri logs, giving them heritage, history, meaning, and a true connection with Earth’s past.

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